I have a couple tips I've found to help anyone with meeting deadlines...
-When dealing with multiple interviews for a story with multiple subjects, it is best to set up interview meetings within a close time period (the same day is ideal for one-day deadlines). So if you can get deadlines within a day or so, you'll be able to write the complete story sooner. --For interview tips see this link
-If you can multi-task: When interviewing or attending an event, try to think in your head..."what is newsworthy about this event or story?" If you figure that out then you will know which questions to ask your subjects or how to develop the basis for your story. --follow this link for descriptions of newsworthy criteria-
I also have some things I need to avoid in the future, to be more efficient...
-I struggle to write drafts for stories. I need to start easing the load of work I have to do before a deadline by creating drafts for my stories, instead of producing my story all at once. I know I should just start a draft with basic information, even if I'm not done compiling all the facts yet.
-I need to focus on writing with more style and structure. I also need to focus on AP Style a whole lot better in the next articles I may write, but I can get lazy sometimes and not look up a style issue. --Try going to this link for style help

----On an aside this is a funny story---So for a story I was working on about ATM Safety Month (June), I interviewed a lady by the name of Roxanne Miller (see above) who is the VP and fraud manager for National Penn Bank. The PR director sent me her head shot to be used if desired...however, Katrina jokingly said it would definitely not run with the story....but I put the photo here, just so her face got someplace!
Till next time..