Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Wednesday's Post

Yep, I titled this Wednesday's post. Seems appropriate right?
So now that I'm convinced this is the best day to work because there was a cookout, I figured I'd update the blog too.

I was away for the past week or so and went on vacation, finished one summmer class and worked on a centerpiece for my college newspaper. However, now that I'm back in the swing of things (or at least until I leave again next week) I'm faced with a few new stories. With a local girl scout troop receiving praise, I contacted the troop leader this afternoon and she explained to me what the troop did in order to receive a signed letter by President Obama. I'd tell you all what she said, but that would take away from the story haha.

Also, with the AT&T National taking place in Newtown Square this week, tomorrow I'm heading out to Winner's Circle restaurant, which is 4.5 miles away from the golf course, to interview people. The restaurant is expecting a large turnout since it's so close to the event and it should be cool to see how crazy the area is since Tiger Woods tees off tomorrow afternoon. I'm expecting to see a lot of golf enthusiasts and can't wait to see if anyone still cares about Tiger's personal life drama or if they're ready to watch the greatest golfer of our generation compete? Something I've noted over the course of the past 5 months or so is how many more people like to hear about his personal life as opposed to his golf skills. Why rumors sell so much more that other stuff is beyond me. any ideas?


  1. You better get some Girl Scout cookies outta this story coverage!!!

  2. I'm with you, Audrey. Sensationalism bugs me. On the other hand, human curiosity isn't a crime - maybe our level of divorce from our communities IS. Maybe if we were connected to one another the way we used to be, the difference between gossip and news would be a little more clear.... When I was a kid, tabloids printed alien impregnation stories, not Britney's indiscretions.
